Coastal Housing Coalition

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Housing Conference Co-Chairs Named

Published March 30, 2017 by Noozhawk 


Ellen Bildsten and Jon Standring are the 2017 co-chairs of the 4th Annual Santa Barbara Housing Coalition, it was announced by Craig Minus, board president of Coastal Housing Coalition, the conference host.

Ellen BildstenClick to view larger

Ellen Bildsten

The educational event will be held 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Friday, May 19, at Carrillo Recreation Center, 100 E. Carrillo St.

The conference theme is Road to Housing. In addition to networking and a keynote speaker, the event will feature a choice of morning and afternoon educational workshops, and a panel discussion on timely housing topics.

Jon StandringClick to view larger

Jon Standring

Bildsten is the principle architect at Bildsten Architecture and Planning. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Architecture from the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning at Cornell University.

A UCSB graduate, Standring is founder and president of Beachside Partners, a real estate-investment brokerage focused on commercial and residential assets on the South Coast.

More than 200 conference attendees are expected, including housing providers, developers, business and government leaders, nonprofits, architects, real estate professionals, financial institution managers, elected officials, employers, and interested community members.

Tickets are $110 in advance, $140 at the door and include breakfast, lunch, educational workshops, networking, vendor booths, plenary sessions, souvenir program, and concluding wine reception.

Sponsorships are available at $500, $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 and $7,500 (title sponsor), which include tickets, publicity, booth space, and banner privileges, according to sponsor level.

The Coastal Housing Coalition is a nonprofit organization founded in 2005 dedicated to finding solutions to the South Coast’s housing crisis and reversing the adverse impacts of the lack of workforce housing is having on our economy, environment, and civic life.

For more info, to register or purchase a sponsorship visit  or, email, or phone 570-1250.

— Rochelle Rose for Coastal Housing Coalition.